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To most of us, learning something 'the hard way' implies wasted time and effort. Good teaching, we believe, should be creatively tailored to the different learning styles of students and should use strategies that make learning easier. Make It Stick turns fashionable ideas like these on their head. Drawing on recent discoveries in cognitive psychology and other disciplines...more
Published April 14th 2014 by Belknap Press
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Popular Answered Questions
Bryan TannerYou won't learn faster, but you will learn better. The learning advocated in this book (created through effortful repetition) may seem harder, and…moreYou won't learn faster, but you will learn better. The learning advocated in this book (created through effortful repetition) may seem harder, and like your learning less, but in fact, you'll learn more and retain it for longer.(less)
Oscar RomeroInteresting question--but I sure have an easy answer for you-YES! Read it and provide your 2 cents right after....I honestly don't see any negatives…moreInteresting question--but I sure have an easy answer for you-YES! Read it and provide your 2 cents right after....I honestly don't see any negatives in this book--it is an amazing book we all should read and practice.(less)
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Sep 16, 2017Amir Tesla rated it really liked it
Learning faster, and remembering more, is a lofty goal endeared by any ambitious individual. Unfortunately, our default way of learning is terribly ineffective.
Refer to Full summary of make it stick: science of successfull learning
Also how I use the techniques of this book to read faster and remember more
Perhaps this has happened to you as well, asking a person’s name just to forget it a minute later. What’s worse is that we think to ourselves, gosh, I have a very bad memory. Just if I was a...more
Refer to Full summary of make it stick: science of successfull learning
Also how I use the techniques of this book to read faster and remember more
Perhaps this has happened to you as well, asking a person’s name just to forget it a minute later. What’s worse is that we think to ourselves, gosh, I have a very bad memory. Just if I was a...more
If only I had known... So I'll let you in on the secret. EVERYTHING you need to know is contained in Chapter 8. The final chapter of the book, naturally. So skip to page 200 and save yourself a LOT of time wandering aimlessy through the groves of academe. Not that there isn't viable information in the preceding seven chapters, mind you, but it's a long slog of background before getting to the good stuff.
I suppose they had to do something to make it more than a pamphlet.
Trust me. Read Chapter 8...more
I suppose they had to do something to make it more than a pamphlet.
Trust me. Read Chapter 8...more
كتاب مفيد عن التعلم والتدريس يقدم المعلومة باسلوب علمي سلس ومبسط، وإن كان هناك تطويل غير مبرر في الفصول الأولى
May 12, 2014Patrik rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
A very convincing and readable book about how to better learn and, as an extension, how to better teach. Two psychologists and (thankfully) one writer present the latest research on learning and, in so doing, refutes some of our most popular learning techniques (such as 'practice, practice, practice' and my favorite 'read and reread'). At the end of the book, the following eight concrete techniques are offered:
1. Retrieving - practice retrieving new (and old) learning (self-quizzing).
2. Spacing...more
Jul 28, 2014John Martindale rated it it was amazing1. Retrieving - practice retrieving new (and old) learning (self-quizzing).
2. Spacing...more
Shelves: audiobook, education, favorites, pop-neuroscience, science, psychology
I am an audiobooks junkie and often soon after I finish a book, I go to the computer to write a review, but my mind feels completely void—it seems like I completely forget all I just heard, even the fascinating tidbits. All I feel left with is an impression concerning whether I liked the book or not. Since there is this mental blockage, most of the time I just don't write much of a review and consider those things I wanted to share, lost. Most of my life it has seemed the majority of what was im...more
Jun 12, 2014Elizabeth Theiss rated it really liked it
From the perspective of a professor with a good 20 years of experience, this book is a gem. The authors use research to demonstrate how students learn best and how teachers can structure courses to facilitate student learning. While I've read many books on teaching, few are as helpful as this one.
For example, frequent recall of recent information cements learning. Teachers can help by providing frequent low stakes quizzes that require students to utilize Bloom's taxonomy. The authors provide bas...more
For example, frequent recall of recent information cements learning. Teachers can help by providing frequent low stakes quizzes that require students to utilize Bloom's taxonomy. The authors provide bas...more
Oct 25, 2014عبدالرحمن عقاب rated it really liked it
كتاب جميل ومهم، وعرضه سلس وشيق.
يعرض لأهم تلك التقنيات التعلمية التي تزيد من فعاليات التعلم وجعله بإذن الله أكثر رسوخا وإتقانا ونفعا.
قدر الله أن أقرأ هذا الكتاب بعد كتاب how to learn
والذي بدوره يكون أكثر فائدة حين يقرأ بعد هذا الكتاب، ﻷنه يعرض الدراسات والنقاش العلمي الدائر وراء كل نقطة مما اشتمل عليه هذا الكتاب، فيصير توسعا وتفصيلاً وتعمقا .
مما تثبت هذه العلوم (تعلم كيف نتعلم) الكثير من الخلط والغلط في مفاهيم التعلم التي نشأ عليها المتعلمون وأهاليهم والمعلمون أيضا.
كم أتمنى لو قرأ الآباء والم...more
يعرض لأهم تلك التقنيات التعلمية التي تزيد من فعاليات التعلم وجعله بإذن الله أكثر رسوخا وإتقانا ونفعا.
قدر الله أن أقرأ هذا الكتاب بعد كتاب how to learn
والذي بدوره يكون أكثر فائدة حين يقرأ بعد هذا الكتاب، ﻷنه يعرض الدراسات والنقاش العلمي الدائر وراء كل نقطة مما اشتمل عليه هذا الكتاب، فيصير توسعا وتفصيلاً وتعمقا .
مما تثبت هذه العلوم (تعلم كيف نتعلم) الكثير من الخلط والغلط في مفاهيم التعلم التي نشأ عليها المتعلمون وأهاليهم والمعلمون أيضا.
كم أتمنى لو قرأ الآباء والم...more
May 05, 2016د.أمجد الجنباز rated it it was amazing
يتحدث الكتاب عن طرق الدراسة والتعلم التي تضمن الاحتفاظ على المعلومات وفهمها بأفضل شكل ممكن
الكتاب مبني علي الأبحاث والدراسات وأبحاث الدماغ، وليس ككتب الذاكرة والدراسة التجارية
الكتاب قمة في الروع، ويحوي معلومات صادمة عن طرق الدراسة. فالكثير من طرق الدراسة التي كنا نقوم بها ومقتنعين بها، تبين أنها سيئة جدا في الدراسة وعلى الذاكرة.
الكتاب مبني علي الأبحاث والدراسات وأبحاث الدماغ، وليس ككتب الذاكرة والدراسة التجارية
الكتاب قمة في الروع، ويحوي معلومات صادمة عن طرق الدراسة. فالكثير من طرق الدراسة التي كنا نقوم بها ومقتنعين بها، تبين أنها سيئة جدا في الدراسة وعلى الذاكرة.
Jan 09, 2015Morgan Blackledge rated it really liked it
What's the first thing you (and everyone else) does when you're trying to learn a subject or text? Odds are good you read, highlight sections and then re-read the text. We all do that because it feels like we're learning.
If this is you, than according to researchers who split test different learning strategies and compare results, you're wasting your precious time and energy and there's a much more effective way to learn. It's more difficult, but it's way more effective and takes way less time....more
If this is you, than according to researchers who split test different learning strategies and compare results, you're wasting your precious time and energy and there's a much more effective way to learn. It's more difficult, but it's way more effective and takes way less time....more
This is my new favorite book on learning. The writing is approachable rather than academic, and the content is completely research-based. If you want to learn how to be a better learner, or to help others learn how to be better learners, this is a must-read. A cognitive psychologist friend introduced me to it by gleefully saying, 'I have been replaced by a book.' Indeed. This is the best book on the science of learning I have ever encountered. I would give it 6 stars if I could.
لا ينفرد الكتاب بمادته ولكنه يحتوي على مراجعة جيدة لآخر الأبحاث في مجال التعلم والذاكرة. مفيد جداً للطلاب للتعرف على الأساليب الأفضل في التعلم والتي تسندها الأبحاث والتعامل مع الصعوبات وكيف أن بعض طرقنا المعتادة في التعلم مثل إعادة القراءة والتلخيص هي طرق توهم بالتعلم أكثر من ما تفيد. في الفصل الأخير خلاصة مادة الكتاب وأمثلة توضيحية يمكن البدء به وقد يغنيك هذا الفصل عن باقي الكتاب .
تُعنى هذه الأساليب بالتعلم بشكل عام سواء كان تعلم مادة دراسية أو تعلم مهارة كالمهارات البدنية، وتتعلق باستخدام الذ...more
تُعنى هذه الأساليب بالتعلم بشكل عام سواء كان تعلم مادة دراسية أو تعلم مهارة كالمهارات البدنية، وتتعلق باستخدام الذ...more
Jan 03, 2015Ilib4kids rated it liked it
370.1523 BRO
CD 370.1523 BRO
Similar book 'How We Learn: The Surprising Truth About When, Where, and Why It Happens' which focus on history instead of giving practice tips
Ideas I learn most useful:
1. Learn more by testing than re-reading; re-reading create illusion of mastery.
2. Spacing and interleaving are more useful than sequential learning and mass practices.
3. Growth mindset is extremely important not only in learning, but in everything. Setback and mistakes are only ways to success. Do not a...more
Feb 19, 2017Nelson Zagalo rated it really liked itCD 370.1523 BRO
Similar book 'How We Learn: The Surprising Truth About When, Where, and Why It Happens' which focus on history instead of giving practice tips
Ideas I learn most useful:
1. Learn more by testing than re-reading; re-reading create illusion of mastery.
2. Spacing and interleaving are more useful than sequential learning and mass practices.
3. Growth mindset is extremely important not only in learning, but in everything. Setback and mistakes are only ways to success. Do not a...more
Shelves: academic, psychology, education, human_engage
'Make it Stick' é um livro de divulgação científica que procura dar a corpo a um conjunto de teorias desenvolvidas por dois professores de psicologia (Henry L. Roediger e Mark A McDaniel) que ao longo de várias décadas estudaram o modo como criamos memórias. O terceiro autor (Peter C. Brown) é especialista em storytelling, e contribuiu aqui especificamente para o desenho da apresentação dos resultados desse estudo. A ideia central de toda a teorização que percorre todo o discurso apresentado no...more
May 29, 2015Alex Linschoten rated it really liked it · review of another edition
In 'Make it Stick', the authors explain how to study, how to learn things for long-term retention, and how to tweak the school experience to encourage retention. The authors strive to make examples practical and applicable. Spaced-repetition software is never mentioned in the book -- in fact technology really isn't the focus -- but it's possible to read it as a love letter to Anki. (This would have been five stars but for it being slightly too long.)
Some key things I learnt:
- testing recall help...more
Jan 25, 2015Kiwi Begs2Differ ✎ rated it really liked itSome key things I learnt:
- testing recall help...more
Shelves: z_2015-monthly-non-fiction, nf-other, nf-self-help
A really interesting book making the case for non-traditional and often counter-intuitive learning techniques such as continuous testing vs. repetition, spacing and interleaving tasks requiring different efforts rather than sequential practice (i.e. complete mastery before moving onto the next level). The book promotes the concept that easier is not better in learning (i.e. effortful recall produces long lasting results) and analyses the evidence for the scientifically unproven but heavily marke...more
A very interesting subject that is covered thoroughly in this book. Unfortunately, I don't think the authors had enough novel ideas to fill 200 pages. This resulted initially in a lot of repeated information (sometimes almost verbatim), and later in the book losing focus and wandering all over the place. The two paragraph conclusion read like it had been written by a high schooler who suddenly realized she had met the word count requirement. Make it Stick would make an awesome TED Talk or a 3 pa...more
make it stick
قرات الكتاب وانا غير متاكد مما ساجده فيه , بعد ان رايته بالصدفة
الكتاب يتحدث عن التعلم و كيف يعمل العقل و علم النفس التعليمي ويتناول مواضيع اخرى متفرقة لكن ذات صلة
المهم انني دهشت عند قراتي له ولم اكن اتوقع هذا الكم من المعلومات المفيدة و المدعمة بدراسات وبحوث تثبت صحتها وهذا ليس كل شيء بل ان الكتاب يكسر في كثير من صفحاته ما نعرفه عن التعلم والدراسة ونعتبره من المسلمات ؟!!! وهذا الامر ينطبق على الدول الاوروبية ايضا فهناك الكثير من الابحاث الجديدة في هذا المجال التي كسرت المعلومات...more
Oct 08, 2014Nathan Mooreقرات الكتاب وانا غير متاكد مما ساجده فيه , بعد ان رايته بالصدفة
الكتاب يتحدث عن التعلم و كيف يعمل العقل و علم النفس التعليمي ويتناول مواضيع اخرى متفرقة لكن ذات صلة
المهم انني دهشت عند قراتي له ولم اكن اتوقع هذا الكم من المعلومات المفيدة و المدعمة بدراسات وبحوث تثبت صحتها وهذا ليس كل شيء بل ان الكتاب يكسر في كثير من صفحاته ما نعرفه عن التعلم والدراسة ونعتبره من المسلمات ؟!!! وهذا الامر ينطبق على الدول الاوروبية ايضا فهناك الكثير من الابحاث الجديدة في هذا المجال التي كسرت المعلومات...more

Recommends it for: Anyone who loves to learn, especially those who struggled in school.
I've read some great books on learning and skill development this year. I've been looking for a book on the subject of learning with a special emphasis on memory and long term retention and this book fit the bill. I read it after reading the Talent Code, which focuses on developing fine motor skills and I've also recently read Outliers which argues that mastery comes from long hours (about 10,000) of focused practice.
In Make it Stick, Brown and others argue that most of the study habits of Ameri...more
In Make it Stick, Brown and others argue that most of the study habits of Ameri...more
This gibes with my experience as a teacher so I am inclined to believe it without having read any of the original research. The author refers to the science that backs up his points but mainly uses anecdotes. This is a readable and I think useful book about how to help people understand and retain information.
This is an absolutely fantastic and essential book, and I would recommend it to anyone who considers themselves to be a lifelong learner or wants to become one. Like the title indicates, this is a book about the science of how we learn, what are the best strategies to learn effectively and what methods can we use to improve cognition/intelligence. In addition to that, this book provides up-to-date research on similar and related topics in cognitive psychology and neuroscience, specifically, mind...more
Apr 07, 2019Narjes Shabani rated it really liked it
اطلاعات مفیدی که از کتاب هایی در مورد یادگیری ، تمرکز و... میگیرم، بهم تو بهتر خوندن باقی کتاب ها کمک میکنه. این کتاب هم پر از اطلاعات خوب و مفید برای یادگیری بهتر بود. از 8 فصل ارائه شده فصل آخر جمع بندی مفیدی از کل مطالب کتاب داشت و میتونه به تنهایی هم خونده بشه ولی مسلماً خوندن فصل های قبل زمینه مساعدتری رو برای فصل اخر ایجاد میکنه. ترجیح خودم برای این کتاب این بود که بعد از خوندن کتاب تا جایی که میشه راهکار هایی که یاد گرفتم رو برای چند تا کتاب جلو ببرم و بعد دوباره بهش برگردم برای فهم بهتر....more
Ninguem Esta Olhando 2017 Filme Download Torrent Gratis
Mar 23, 2017Esra rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Öğrenmeye ve öğretmeye devam ettiğiniz sürece yanı başınızdan ayırmayacağınız ve okuduğunuza asla pişman olmayacağınız bir kitap. Kesinlikle tavsiye ederim.
Jun 02, 2014Samantha rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
A superbly wonderful guide if you want to learn better in a more efficient manner. Mainly, it talks about how you need to slow down and digest the information, think and comprehend the material every so often, but most importantly, you need to quiz yourself in order to better remember the subject matter. Memory retrieval and interleaved learning is what will make you succeed, among other techniques.
For example, a typical student would read the required text and pen highlight the important ideas....more
Feb 12, 2015Taka rated it really liked it · review of another editionFor example, a typical student would read the required text and pen highlight the important ideas....more
Shelves: 2-nonfiction-you-must-read, 2015, popular-science
The first part is a gold mine of cognitive psychology wisdom, then it sort of tapers off toward the end (at least for me). The book covers what science has to tell us about learning in general and it is good. And it is owing to this book that I'm resuming my old practice of writing book reviews (retrieval & elaboration) to better retain what I read.
Some concepts that will prove particularly useful in my own learning and teaching include:
1) Desirable difficulty: how the right amount of...more
The first part is a gold mine of cognitive psychology wisdom, then it sort of tapers off toward the end (at least for me). The book covers what science has to tell us about learning in general and it is good. And it is owing to this book that I'm resuming my old practice of writing book reviews (retrieval & elaboration) to better retain what I read.
Some concepts that will prove particularly useful in my own learning and teaching include:
1) Desirable difficulty: how the right amount of...more
Jan 20, 2019Oleg rated it liked it
This could be a decent book in theory, but I have read a lot of material from other books on memory and brain (for example, 'Learning how to learn' by Barbara Oakley and 'Peak' by Anders Ericsson, 'Brain rules' by John Medina.
However, I managed to find a couple of good nuggets of wisdom in this book:
1) More information on the memory palace technique
2) The fact that the more a person 'knows' the more neuron connections it has (aka 'hooks for new information'). So, it is quite literally the more y...more
However, I managed to find a couple of good nuggets of wisdom in this book:
1) More information on the memory palace technique
2) The fact that the more a person 'knows' the more neuron connections it has (aka 'hooks for new information'). So, it is quite literally the more y...more
Apr 16, 2015Cindy Rollins rated it liked it
As an education junkie I found this book held my attention and gave me a few things to think about. In some ways it challenged my assumptions and in other ways it confirmed them.
I especially liked the concept of retrieval for it essentially proved through research many of Charlotte Mason's own ideas. Narration is a wonderful, effective retrieval practice far superior to other types of study habits such as rereading. Sound familiar?
I am having my 11th grader read this as preparation for college...more
I especially liked the concept of retrieval for it essentially proved through research many of Charlotte Mason's own ideas. Narration is a wonderful, effective retrieval practice far superior to other types of study habits such as rereading. Sound familiar?
I am having my 11th grader read this as preparation for college...more
Of the books I've read about learning, this is my favorite. This review comes right on the back of reading and reviewing How We Learn by Benedict Carey which was published in the same year! I got a lot out of that book, but thought it had some flaws. This book covers more variety and still manages to avoid the criticisms I had with Carey's book.
I feel like I've already written extensively about many of the main concepts in previous book reviews. This book covered a ton of additional material. He...more
I feel like I've already written extensively about many of the main concepts in previous book reviews. This book covered a ton of additional material. He...more
Retrieval practice—recalling facts or concepts or events from memory—is a more effective learning strategy than review by rereading. Flashcards are a simple example. Retrieval strengthens the memory and interrupts forgetting. A single, simple quiz after reading a text or hearing a lecture produces better learning and remembering than rereading the text or reviewing lecture notes. While the brain is not a muscle that gets stronger with exercise, the neural pathways that make up a body of...more
Retrieval practice—recalling facts or concepts or events from memory—is a more effective learning strategy than review by rereading. Flashcards are a simple example. Retrieval strengthens the memory and interrupts forgetting. A single, simple quiz after reading a text or hearing a lecture produces better learning and remembering than rereading the text or reviewing lecture notes. While the brain is not a muscle that gets stronger with exercise, the neural pathways that make up a body of...more
Feb 10, 2018Jenny Stevens rated it really liked it · review of another edition
Wonderful book I picked up to listen to while making some long road trips. Wasn't expecting to like it as much as I did or get as much out of it as I did. I wish I'd found this book years ago while in college and law school. I plan on getting the print version to share with my teenage children who are all taking Advanced Placement course and/or getting ready to head off to college soon.
Nov 29, 2017Prashant Ghabak rated it it was amazing Shelves: career, learning, life-hacks, productiity
Ninguem Esta Olhando 2017 Filme Download Torrent 2016
After getting into habit or reading a lot, I realized that I forget a lot of the stuff I read especially the specifics. The same with a lot of lectures which I thought I loved. And, if you can't remember what you have learnt, how can you retrieve it and apply in real life?
I started reading this book along with a MOOC by Barbara Oakley on Coursera to discover more about this problem. And it seems, this is a very common problem faced by many.
What it also made me realize is how faulty the learning...more
I started reading this book along with a MOOC by Barbara Oakley on Coursera to discover more about this problem. And it seems, this is a very common problem faced by many.
What it also made me realize is how faulty the learning...more
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“Trying to solve a problem before being taught the solution leads to better learning, even when errors are made in the attempt.” — 12 likes
Ninguem Esta Olhando 2017 Filme Download Torrent 2017
“Practice that’s spaced out, interleaved with other learning, and varied produces better mastery, longer retention, and more versatility. But these benefits come at a price: when practice is spaced, interleaved, and varied, it requires more effort. You feel the increased effort, but not the benefits the effort produces. Learning feels slower from this kind of practice, and you don’t get the rapid improvements and affirmations you’re accustomed to seeing from massed practice.” — 10 likes
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