What I've been doing to overcome this is just leaving it unplugged over-night and then hope that by the next afternoon it's self-corrected itself. However, recently, I've been looking into it and discovered this problem about the drivers not being installed for an ethernet controller device.
I've had a look around for the drivers but everyone says that I need to enter the devices name etc. in Google and I should find the page to install the drivers but for some reason the device has no name, manufacturer and whatever else and so it's impossible for me to find these drivers I need to hopefully fix the problem.
I thought it was something to do with my network adapter so I updated it's drivers etc but it still says there's a problem!
Also, my PC was bought by a custom PC builder and so has no set manufacturer but here are all of the specs below:
CPU : AMD FX-4100 Quad core
GPU : AMD Radeon HD 7850
MoBo : Gigabyte 78LMT-S2P
Wireless Adapter : ADDON NWP210
I was also fiddling around in some places as well and came across a sort of error report for the ethernet controller and as some kind of code it said this:
I've tried googling it but all it does is come up with something about Laptop drivers :T
If you guys know a solution to this I would very much appreciate it lol - and if it means buying a new Mobo or Wireless PCI adapter or whatever then so be it :C
thanks in advance.

The most effective and quickest way of updating Ethernet controller drivers is by using a reliable and compatible driver update tool. Although you need to pay a subscription fee to use such applications, the good ones are worth their cost and are reasonably priced. Mar 25, 2013 Ethernet Controller drivers for this device are not installed Code 28 My Acer Aspire (previously Windows 7 Home Premium) was a sluggish computer, was too many useless programs I have installed. I wanted to start all over and reinstall Windows 7 using a disc.
Update: A Windows 10 driver now exists for the USB2-E1000. However, it will not appear in the CD that comes with the adapter until the next lot of adapters is shipped. The updated driver can be downloaded from this link:
Windows 10/8/8.1, 7, Vista, and XP drivers for USB2-E1000.
If you are not able to connect to the Internet without installing the driver, you can download it onto a flash drive on another computer and use that to install it.

In testing Plugable’s USB-Ethernet adapters with Windows 10, we were happy to discover they all work successfully when their drivers are properly installed. However, an installation problem could cause issues with the USB2-E1000.
Drivers are already built into Windows 10 for the ASIX AX88772 chip in our USB2-E100 and USB2-OTGE100 and the ASIX AX88179 chip in our USB3-E1000, USBC-E1000, and USB3-HUB3ME. When you insert these adapters into a USB port, the drivers are automatically installed with no need for an internet connection.
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However, the driver for the ASIX AX88178 chip in our USB2-E1000 is not pre-installed in Windows 10, and we have discovered a problem with the downloadable driver that keeps it from installing. If this happens, the adapter will show up in Device Manager as “AX88178” with a Code 28 error: “”Drivers for this device are not installed.”
There are several ways to work around this issue, depending on the scenario:
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1. Upgrading from Windows 7 or Windows 8.1: If you have already installed the driver for the USB2-E1000 in Windows 7 or 8.1 and upgrade directly from that version to Windows 10, the currently installed driver will be available to Windows 10, and your adapter should work without any further effort. If you haven’t yet installed this driver, please install it before upgrading. The easiest way is to establish an internet connection, either wirelessly or through another Ethernet port, then plug in the USB2-E1000. Windows Update should see it and automatically download the correct driver. You can also download and install the driver from our website or from the disk that came with your adapter.
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2. Doing a clean install of Windows 10 or using the USB2-E1000 on a new Windows 10 computer: Since the previous Windows 7 or 8.1 driver will not be carried over to a clean install of Windows 10, it must be freshly installed. The only way to accomplish this is to have an internet connection available when you first plug in the USB2-E1000. That will allow Windows Update to download and install the driver. If you are in a situation where this is not possible, we recommend delaying the update until an internet connection is available, or until this issue has been fixed. Currently, the driver on the Plugable and ASIX websites is not working with Windows 10.
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If you’re a user of a Plugable USB-Ethernet adapter and are experiencing issues, we’re here to help! If support is needed, please run our PlugDebug tool found here to collect system logs, and send the resulting file to support@plugable.com along with a description of the behavior you’re experiencing and any additional details you feel are relevant.