The following links go directly to our sister site, This website has complete listing of nearly all collectible United States paper money, in addition to prices we’ll pay right now for your currency.
Getting Cash for Your Old Currency is Easy as 1-2-3:
2 Bill Value By Serial Number

So, a $100 bill with a radar repeating serial number will be worth a similar increase to worth over its original $100 face value as the $5 bill with a radar reapeating serial number. Of course, both bills would need to be in comparable condition. However, the same fancy serial number on a $100 bill won’t make it worth $2,500. Ladder serial numbers: Bills having serial numbers that are in ascending or descending order are called ladder notes (e.g. A12345678B or B87654321A). They are extremely rare, so if you happen to spot a 1969 20 dollar bill with a ladder serial number, you have to be aware that it is worth more than face value.
- Click the denomination of your note (value in dollars) below.
- Find the type of note you possess and click its series year and letter if applicable.
- Submit your currency for consideration and get cash for your note!
Click the denomination of Your note:
See also: Old Paper Money Values
Originally Written 2011

Two Dollar Bill Value By Serial Number
As a quick search at the Bureau of Engraving and Printingwebsite reveals, U.S. Notes were a separate form of currency thatcirculated along side silver certificates and Federal ReserveNotes. They were issued by the Federal Government but had no silverbacking. They're NOT related to being on the gold standard and werein fact issued until 1966, 33 years after the U.S. went offgold.
They are technically still legal tender and have never beenrecalled, but have disappeared from circulation because of wearingout and because they're saved for their unusual appearance.
Canadian Bill Value By Serial Number
Values depend on a bill's date and series letter. The link belowshows current auction prices. As you'll note, the great majority of$5 U.S. Notes sell for about $8-10 so that is not a 'sucker' pricein any way.